
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Silhouette Cotton Canvas Easter Tags

So I love the Victorian feel to many decorations now-a-days.  Stuck in the past.  Right?  Sort of. Not in every way.  The images and styles just brings back a feel of nostalgia... for a time I never lived in and one that lacked many of the conveniences I now enjoy.  But STILL.  Some of the feel is just romantic and lovely. That feeling for nostalgia and for beauty is what I wanted to tap into, even if just faintly, when I went to make some quick Easter tags.  I did this primarily through just two mediums--the images themselves, and the material used.  

I certainly could have added a lot more opulence to these to get that feel, but 1. no time, and 2...didn't really care to.  So if you want to add a lace or ribbon edging, or some gold fabric paint around the edges, and make the cut more intricate, go right ahead.  Now that I've tried the cotton canvas I am wanting to experiment more with it. But this first little experiment proved to me that I really love the stuff, and that it is far easier to use (and prints better) than I had ever expected.

To make these tags, all you really need is:
Ribbon or twine

Milk bottles on the door again, like the old days.  Just this time, filled with candy. :)
The printable cotton canvas is super easy to use...just like the print and cut function with a piece of paper, except this time it is with a thin canvas.  
The canvas worked really nicely with the subtle vintage tones, and for some reason I felt really drawn to it for making these Easter tags.  The soft canvas feel was a mixture between more "rich" and...well, store-bought, to also having more of a farm-home-feel-ish to them with the added texture it gives to the imaging.  I just loved it.  And really, easy as pie.  For those of you who don't make pie...or who don't use your Silhouette very often, I'll give some slightly detailed instructions below.  

The rest of you... just look at these lovely flowers, think Spring, and then go make some tags. :)

First, open the image you would like in Silhouette Studio. I found my images online.  One site that I would recommend for great FREE Vintage images is The Graphics Fairy.  That is where I got the image with the bunny and chicks.  I found the flower basket online as well. I added the word "Spring" in Silhouette Studio, and used the color eye-dropper to pick a color from the basket as the color for my font. 

Select a 8 1/2x 11" sheet size, and then be sure to select "Show Print Registration Marks" from the upper right hand corner. This sends the message from your printed sheet to your Silhouette, so that it cuts your images in the correct place when it comes time for that. Be sure your images don't overlap the criss-crossed lines in the upper or bottom portions of the paper.  Nothing will print or cut there.  Send your image through to your printer. 

Select "Show Registration Marks"
Draw the shape around your image that you want for the shape of your tag, and be sure it is selected to be"Cut".  (From the Cut Menu, upper right hand corner.)  The areas that will be cut out will be outlined in red. Note: Now that I know how easily the cotton canvas cuts (alliteration awesomeness), I would probably have been a bit more free in my choice of tag-shape.  So don't be afraid to try something more than a rectangle... :)

Send it through to be cut.  Your Silhouette will read the print registration marks and thus know the positioning of your printed images, so that it cuts exactly around your image as you have planned on the screen.

Now, use the tags for whatever you had planned for them.  You can add these tags to gifts left for neighbors.  I got this milk-bottle container from the dollar-spot at Target.  Love that spot.  Filled it with candy and am going to leave it on a friend's doorstep as an Easter gift.  Like the milk bottles of the old days left on the doorstep, except...this time it's filled with milk chocolate.  Yeah.

Cute, right?  And all of two minutes to make, total.

The second tag I tied around a vase with some twine, and then filled with fresh lilies.  

I love fresh flowers.  And these lilies make the kitchen smell wonderfully. 

There you go!  Pin some of these images and let others see just how lovely and easy this printable cotton canvas is to work with.  I can't wait to use it with some of my photos when I actually get around to some scrapbooking.  Sigh.  Soon!  Happy Easter, friends. 

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